foundry.gui package#
foundry.gui.AboutWindow module#
- class AboutDialog(parent)#
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("AboutDialog" inherits "CustomDialog": )#
foundry.gui.AutoSaveDialog module#
foundry.gui.AutoScrollDrawer module#
foundry.gui.AutoScrollEditor module#
- class AutoScrollEditor(parent, level_ref: LevelRef)#
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("AutoScrollEditor" inherits "CustomDialog": )#
foundry.gui.BlockEditor module#
- class BlockEditorController(parent: PySide6.QtWidgets.QWidget | None, tsa_data: bytearray, block_index: int, graphics_set: GraphicsSet, palette_group: PaletteGroup, palette_index: int)#
- block_index_changed: SignalInstance#
- destroyed: SignalInstance#
- property graphics_set: GraphicsSet#
- graphics_set_changed: SignalInstance#
- property palette_group: PaletteGroup#
- palette_group_changed: SignalInstance#
- palette_index_changed: SignalInstance#
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("BlockEditorController" inherits "CustomChildWindow": Methods: #40 type=Signal, signature=tile_square_assembly_changed(PyObject), parameters=PyObject #41 type=Signal, signature=block_index_changed(int), parameters=int #42 type=Signal, signature=graphics_set_changed(PyObject), parameters=PyObject #43 type=Signal, signature=palette_group_changed(PyObject), parameters=PyObject #44 type=Signal, signature=palette_index_changed(int), parameters=int )#
- tile_square_assembly_changed: SignalInstance#
- class BlockEditorModel(tile_square_assembly: bytearray, block_index: int, graphics_set: GraphicsSet, palette_group: PaletteGroup, palette_index: int)#
- graphics_set: GraphicsSet#
- palette_group: PaletteGroup#
- class BlockEditorView(parent: PySide6.QtWidgets.QWidget | None, tsa_data: bytearray, block_index: int, graphics_set: GraphicsSet, palette_group: PaletteGroup, palette_index: int, zoom: int = 16)#
- pattern_selected: SignalInstance#
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("BlockEditorView" inherits "QWidget": Methods: #34 type=Signal, signature=pattern_selected(PyObject), parameters=PyObject )#
foundry.gui.BlockViewer module#
- class BlockViewerController(parent)#
- destroyed: SignalInstance#
- palette_group_changed: SignalInstance#
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("BlockViewerController" inherits "CustomChildWindow": Methods: #40 type=Signal, signature=tile_square_assembly_changed(PyObject), parameters=PyObject #41 type=Signal, signature=tileset_changed(int), parameters=int #42 type=Signal, signature=palette_group_changed(int), parameters=int )#
- tile_square_assembly_changed: SignalInstance#
- tileset_changed: SignalInstance#
- class BlockViewerView(parent, tileset=0, palette_group=0, zoom=2)#
- BLOCKS = 256#
- block_selected: SignalInstance#
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("BlockViewerView" inherits "QWidget": Methods: #34 type=Signal, signature=block_selected(int), parameters=int )#
foundry.gui.ColorButtonWidget module#
- class ColorButtonWidget(parent: PySide6.QtWidgets.QWidget | None, color: PySide6.QtGui.QColor | None = None, size: PySide6.QtCore.QSize | None = None, selected: bool = False)#
- clicked: SignalInstance#
- property color: QColor#
- color_changed: SignalInstance#
- selected_changed: SignalInstance#
- property size_: QSize#
- size_changed: SignalInstance#
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("ColorButtonWidget" inherits "QLabel": Methods: #47 type=Signal, signature=clicked() #48 type=Signal, signature=size_changed(QSize), parameters=QSize #49 type=Signal, signature=color_changed(QColor), parameters=QColor #50 type=Signal, signature=selected_changed(bool), parameters=bool )#
foundry.gui.ColorSelector module#
- class ColorSelector(parent: PySide6.QtWidgets.QWidget | None, title: str = 'NES Color Table', size: PySide6.QtCore.QSize | None = None, color_palette: foundry.core.palette.ColorPalette | None = None)#
- COLUMNS = 16#
- ROWS = 4#
- ok_clicked: SignalInstance#
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("ColorSelector" inherits "CustomDialog": Methods: #42 type=Signal, signature=ok_clicked(int), parameters=int )#
foundry.gui.ContextMenu module#
- class CMAction(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)#
- COPY = 4#
- CUT = 6#
- PASTE = 5#
- REMOVE = 1#
- class CMMode(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)#
- BG = 1#
- LIST = 3#
- OBJ = 2#
- class ContextMenu(level_ref: LevelRef)#
- get_copied_objects() tuple[list[ |], foundry.core.geometry.Point] #
- set_copied_objects(objects: list[ |])#
- set_position(point: QPoint)#
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("ContextMenu" inherits "QMenu": )#
foundry.gui.CustomChildWindow module#
foundry.gui.CustomDialog module#
foundry.gui.FlowLayout module#
foundry.gui.HeaderEditor module#
- class HeaderDisplay(parent: QWidget, data: LevelDataState, start: LevelStartState, graphics: LevelGraphicsState, warp: LevelWarpState, info: Level, level_bytes: bytearray, file_settings: FileSettings)#
- property current_page: int#
The current page accessed by the user.
- Returns:
- int
The index of the current page accessed.
- property data: LevelDataState#
Provides the data of the level.
- Returns:
- LevelDataState
The data of the level.
- data_editor: LevelDataEditor#
- property graphics: LevelGraphicsState#
Provides the graphics of the level.
- Returns:
- LevelGraphicsState
The graphics of the level.
- graphics_editor: LevelGraphicsEditor#
- property info: Level#
Provides the info of the level.
- Returns:
- LevelInformationState
The info of the level.
- info_editor: LevelInformationEditor#
- property level_bytes: bytearray#
Provides the bytes for the level header.
- Returns:
- bytearray
The bytes for the level header.
- property start: LevelStartState#
Provides the start of the level.
- Returns:
- LevelStartState
The start of the level.
- start_editor: LevelStartEditor#
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("HeaderDisplay" inherits "QVBoxLayout": )#
- property warp: LevelWarpState#
Provides the warp of the level.
- Returns:
- LevelWarpState
The warp of the level.
- warp_editor: LevelWarpEditor#
- class HeaderEditor(parent: PySide6.QtWidgets.QWidget | None, state: HeaderState, file_settings: FileSettings, undo_controller: Optional[UndoController[HeaderState]] = None)#
- property action: int#
Provides the action the player starts at.
- Returns:
- int
The action the player starts at.
- action_changed: SignalInstance#
- property can_redo: bool#
Determines if there is any states inside the redo stack.
- Returns:
- bool
If there is an redo state available.
- property can_undo: bool#
Determines if there is any states inside the undo stack.
- Returns:
- bool
If there is an undo state available.
- property current_page: int#
The current page accessed by the user.
- Returns:
- int
The index of the current page accessed.
- property description: str#
Provides the description of the level.
- Returns:
- str
The description of the level.
- description_changed: SignalInstance#
- do(new_state: HeaderState) HeaderState #
Does an action through the controller, adding it to the undo stack and clearing the redo stack, respectively.
- Parameters:
- new_stateHeaderState
The new state to be stored.
- Returns:
- HeaderState
The new state that has been stored.
- property enemy_palette: int#
Provides the enemy palette of this level.
- Returns:
- int
The enemy palette of for this level.
- enemy_palette_changed: SignalInstance#
- property enemy_space: int#
Provides the space for enemies inside of the level.
- Returns:
- int
The space for enemies inside of the level.
- enemy_space_changed: SignalInstance#
- property generator_palette: int#
Provides the generator palette of this level.
- Returns:
- int
The generator palette of for this level.
- generator_palette_changed: SignalInstance#
- property generator_space: int#
Provides the space for generators inside of the level.
- Returns:
- int
The space for generators inside of the level.
- generator_space_changed: SignalInstance#
- property graphics_set: int#
Provides the graphics set of this level.
- Returns:
- int
The graphics set of for this level.
- graphics_set_changed: SignalInstance#
- property horizontal: bool#
Provides if the level is horizontal.
- Returns:
- bool
If the level is horizontal.
- horizontal_changed: SignalInstance#
- level_length_changed: SignalInstance#
- music_changed: SignalInstance#
- name_changed: SignalInstance#
- property next_level_enemy_pointer: int#
Provides the enemy pointer of the level that it will be warped to.
- Returns:
- int
The enemy pointer of the next level.
- next_level_enemy_pointer_changed: SignalInstance#
- property next_level_generator_pointer: int#
Provides the generator pointer of the level that it will be warped to.
- Returns:
- int
The generator pointer of the next level.
- next_level_generator_pointer_changed: SignalInstance#
- property next_level_tileset: int#
Provides the tileset of the level that it will be warped to.
- Returns:
- int
The tileset of the next level.
- next_level_tileset_changed: SignalInstance#
- property pipe_ends_level: bool#
Provides if entering a pipe will end the level.
- Returns:
- bool
If the entering pipes end the level.
- pipe_ends_level_changed: SignalInstance#
- redo() HeaderState #
Redoes the previously undone state.
- Returns:
- HeaderState
The new state that has been stored.
- scroll_changed: SignalInstance#
- property state: HeaderState#
- state_changed: SignalInstance#
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("HeaderEditor" inherits "CustomDialog": Methods: #42 type=Signal, signature=level_length_changed(int), parameters=int #43 type=Signal, signature=music_changed(int), parameters=int #44 type=Signal, signature=time_changed(int), parameters=int #45 type=Signal, signature=scroll_changed(int), parameters=int #46 type=Signal, signature=horizontal_changed(bool), parameters=bool #47 type=Signal, signature=pipe_ends_level_changed(bool), parameters=bool #48 type=Signal, signature=x_position_changed(int), parameters=int #49 type=Signal, signature=y_position_changed(int), parameters=int #50 type=Signal, signature=action_changed(int), parameters=int #51 type=Signal, signature=generator_palette_changed(int), parameters=int #52 type=Signal, signature=enemy_palette_changed(int), parameters=int #53 type=Signal, signature=graphics_set_changed(int), parameters=int #54 type=Signal, signature=next_level_generator_pointer_changed(int), parameters=int #55 type=Signal, signature=next_level_enemy_pointer_changed(int), parameters=int #56 type=Signal, signature=next_level_tileset_changed(int), parameters=int #57 type=Signal, signature=name_changed(QString), parameters=QString #58 type=Signal, signature=description_changed(QString), parameters=QString #59 type=Signal, signature=generator_space_changed(int), parameters=int #60 type=Signal, signature=enemy_space_changed(int), parameters=int #61 type=Signal, signature=state_changed(PyObject), parameters=PyObject )#
- time_changed: SignalInstance#
- undo() HeaderState #
Undoes the last state, bring the previous.
- Returns:
- HeaderState
The new state that has been stored.
- undo_controller: UndoController[HeaderState]#
- property x_position: int#
Provides the x position the player starts at.
- Returns:
- int
The x position for the player starts at.
- x_position_changed: SignalInstance#
- property y_position: int#
Provides the y position the player starts at.
- Returns:
- int
The y position the player starts at.
- y_position_changed: SignalInstance#
- class HeaderState(data: LevelDataState, start: LevelStartState, graphics: LevelGraphicsState, warp: LevelWarpState, info: Level)#
The representation of a the level header.
- Attributes:
- data: LevelDataState
The miscellaneous level data.
- start: LevelStartState
The starting conditions of the level.
- graphics: LevelGraphicsState
The graphics of the level.
- warp: LevelWarpState
The next level to be warped to.
- info: LevelInformationState
The editor specific information associated with the level.
- data: LevelDataState#
- graphics: LevelGraphicsState#
- start: LevelStartState#
- warp: LevelWarpState#
- header_state_to_level_header(state: HeaderState) bytearray #
Generates a 9-byte header for a level for SMB3 from a header state.
- Parameters:
- stateHeaderState
To be converted to a level header.
- Returns:
- bytearray
A series of nine bytes that represent a level header inside SMB3.
The format of the level header is as follows
- Byte 0x02-1:
The next level’s generator pointer.
- Byte 0x04-3:
The next level’s enemy pointer.
- Byte 0x05:
The level length in increments of 16 followed by the y start of the player.
- Byte 0x06:
The generator’s palette, enemy’s palette followed by the x start of the player.
- Byte 0x07:
The tileset of the level, if the level is vertical, the type of scroll used by the level, followed by if the level ends when the player enters a pipe.
- Byte 0x08:
The graphics set of the level followed by the starting action of the player.
- Byte 0x09:
The music of the level followed by the time provided to the player.
- level_to_header_state(level: Level, file_settings: FileSettings) HeaderState #
Generates a header state from a level.
- Parameters:
- levelLevel
To generate the header state from.
- file_settings: FileSettings
To generate the level information from.
- Returns:
- HeaderState
The header state that corresponds to the level.
foundry.gui.HorizontalLine module#
foundry.gui.JumpCreator module#
foundry.gui.JumpEditor module#
- class JumpEditor(parent: PySide6.QtWidgets.QWidget | None, jump: Jump, is_horizontal: bool, suggested_max_size: int = 15)#
- static edit_jump(parent: PySide6.QtWidgets.QWidget | None, jump: Jump, is_horizontal: bool, suggested_max_size: int = 15)#
- on_ok()#
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("JumpEditor" inherits "CustomDialog": )#
foundry.gui.JumpList module#
- class JumpList(parent: QWidget, level_ref: LevelRef)#
- add_jump: SignalInstance#
- delete()#
- edit_jump: SignalInstance#
- remove_jump: SignalInstance#
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("JumpList" inherits "QListWidget": Methods: #105 type=Signal, signature=add_jump() #106 type=Signal, signature=edit_jump() #107 type=Signal, signature=remove_jump() )#
foundry.gui.LevelDataEditor module#
- class LevelDataDisplay(parent: PySide6.QtWidgets.QWidget | None, level_length: int, music: int, time: int, scroll: int, horizontal: bool, pipe_ends_level: bool)#
- property horizontal: bool#
Provides if the level is horizontal.
- Returns:
- bool
If the level is horizontal.
- horizontal_editor: QCheckBox#
- property level_length: int#
Provides the length of this level.
- Returns:
- int
The length of this level.
- level_length_editor: QComboBox#
- music_editor: QComboBox#
- property pipe_ends_level: bool#
Provides if entering a pipe will end the level.
- Returns:
- bool
If entering a pipe will end the level.
- pipe_ends_level_editor: QCheckBox#
- scroll_editor: QComboBox#
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("LevelDataDisplay" inherits "QFormLayout": )#
- time_editor: QComboBox#
- class LevelDataEditor(parent: PySide6.QtWidgets.QWidget | None, state: LevelDataState, undo_controller: Optional[UndoController[LevelDataState]] = None)#
- property can_redo: bool#
Determines if there is any states inside the redo stack.
- Returns:
- bool
If there is an redo state available.
- property can_undo: bool#
Determines if there is any states inside the undo stack.
- Returns:
- bool
If there is an undo state available.
- do(new_state: LevelDataState) LevelDataState #
Does an action through the controller, adding it to the undo stack and clearing the redo stack, respectively.
- Parameters:
- new_stateLevelDataState
The new state to be stored.
- Returns:
- LevelDataState
The new state that has been stored.
- property horizontal: bool#
Provides if the level is horizontal.
- Returns:
- bool
If the level is horizontal.
- horizontal_changed: SignalInstance#
- level_length_changed: SignalInstance#
- music_changed: SignalInstance#
- property pipe_ends_level: bool#
Provides if entering a pipe will end the level.
- Returns:
- bool
If the entering pipes end the level.
- pipe_ends_level_changed: SignalInstance#
- redo() LevelDataState #
Redoes the previously undone state.
- Returns:
- LevelDataState
The new state that has been stored.
- scroll_changed: SignalInstance#
- property state: LevelDataState#
Provides the current state of the instance.
- Returns:
- LevelDataState
A tuple of the level length, music, time, scroll, and other data associated with the current instance’s level.
- state_changed: SignalInstance#
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("LevelDataEditor" inherits "QWidget": Methods: #34 type=Signal, signature=level_length_changed(int), parameters=int #35 type=Signal, signature=music_changed(int), parameters=int #36 type=Signal, signature=time_changed(int), parameters=int #37 type=Signal, signature=scroll_changed(int), parameters=int #38 type=Signal, signature=horizontal_changed(bool), parameters=bool #39 type=Signal, signature=pipe_ends_level_changed(bool), parameters=bool #40 type=Signal, signature=state_changed(PyObject), parameters=PyObject )#
- time_changed: SignalInstance#
- undo() LevelDataState #
Undoes the last state, bring the previous.
- Returns:
- LevelDataState
The new state that has been stored.
- undo_controller: UndoController[LevelDataState]#
- class LevelDataState(level_length: int, music: int, time: int, scroll: int, horizontal: bool, pipe_ends_level: bool)#
The representation of the start parameters for the player for a given level.
- level_length: int
The length of the level.
- music: int
The music selected for the level.
- time: int
The time provided to the player to complete the level.
- scroll: int
The rules applied to the scroll for the level.
- horizontal: bool
If the level is horizontal.
- pipe_ends_level: bool
If entering a pipe ends the level.
foundry.gui.LevelDrawer module#
- COIN()#
- LEAF()#
- class LevelDrawer(user_settings: UserSettings)#
- NO_JUMP()#
- ONE_UP()#
- VINE()#
foundry.gui.LevelGraphicsEditor module#
- class LevelGraphicsDisplay(parent: PySide6.QtWidgets.QWidget | None, generator_palette: int, enemy_palette: int, graphics_set: int)#
- property enemy_palette: int#
Provides the enemy palette of this level.
- Returns:
- int
The enemy palette of for this level.
- property generator_palette: int#
Provides the generator palette of this level.
- Returns:
- int
The generator palette of for this level.
- property graphics_set: int#
Provides the graphics_set of this level.
- Returns:
- int
The graphics_set of for this level.
- graphics_set_editor: QComboBox#
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("LevelGraphicsDisplay" inherits "QFormLayout": )#
- class LevelGraphicsEditor(parent: PySide6.QtWidgets.QWidget | None, state: LevelGraphicsState, undo_controller: Optional[UndoController[LevelGraphicsState]] = None)#
- property can_redo: bool#
Determines if there is any states inside the redo stack.
- Returns:
- bool
If there is an redo state available.
- property can_undo: bool#
Determines if there is any states inside the undo stack.
- Returns:
- bool
If there is an undo state available.
- do(new_state: LevelGraphicsState) LevelGraphicsState #
Does an action through the controller, adding it to the undo stack and clearing the redo stack, respectively.
- Parameters:
- new_stateLevelGraphicsState
The new state to be stored.
- Returns:
- LevelGraphicsState
The new state that has been stored.
- property enemy_palette: int#
Provides the enemy palette of this level.
- Returns:
- int
The enemy palette of for this level.
- enemy_palette_changed: SignalInstance#
- property generator_palette: int#
Provides the generator palette of this level.
- Returns:
- int
The generator palette of for this level.
- generator_palette_changed: SignalInstance#
- property graphics_set: int#
Provides the graphics set of this level.
- Returns:
- int
The graphics set of for this level.
- graphics_set_changed: SignalInstance#
- redo() LevelGraphicsState #
Redoes the previously undone state.
- Returns:
- LevelGraphicsState
The new state that has been stored.
- property state: LevelGraphicsState#
Provides the current state of the instance.
- Returns:
- LevelGraphicsState
A tuple of the name, description, generator size, and enemy size for the current instance’s level.
- state_changed: SignalInstance#
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("LevelGraphicsEditor" inherits "QWidget": Methods: #34 type=Signal, signature=generator_palette_changed(int), parameters=int #35 type=Signal, signature=enemy_palette_changed(int), parameters=int #36 type=Signal, signature=graphics_set_changed(int), parameters=int #37 type=Signal, signature=state_changed(PyObject), parameters=PyObject )#
- undo() LevelGraphicsState #
Undoes the last state, bring the previous.
- Returns:
- LevelGraphicsState
The new state that has been stored.
- undo_controller: UndoController[LevelGraphicsState]#
- class LevelGraphicsState(generator_palette: int, enemy_palette: int, graphics_set: int)#
for this level for a level to warp to.
- generator_palette: int
The generator palette for for this level.
- enemy_palette: int
The enemy palette for for this level.
- graphics_set: int
The graphics_set for for this level.
foundry.gui.LevelInformationEditor module#
- class LevelInformationEditor(parent: PySide6.QtWidgets.QWidget | None, level: Level, undo_controller: Optional[UndoController[tuple[str, str, int, int]]] = None)#
- property can_redo: bool#
Determines if there is any states inside the redo stack.
- Returns:
- bool
If there is an redo state available.
- property can_undo: bool#
Determines if there is any states inside the undo stack.
- Returns:
- bool
If there is an undo state available.
- property description: str#
Provides the description of the level.
- Returns:
- str
The description of the level.
- description_changed: SignalInstance#
- do(new_state: tuple[str, str, int, int]) tuple[str, str, int, int] #
Does an action through the controller, adding it to the undo stack and clearing the redo stack, respectively.
- Parameters:
- new_stateLevelDataState
The new state to be stored.
- Returns:
- LevelDataState
The new state that has been stored.
- property enemy_space: int#
Provides the space for enemies inside of the level.
- Returns:
- int
The space for enemies inside of the level.
- enemy_space_changed: SignalInstance#
- property generator_space: int#
Provides the space for generators inside of the level.
- Returns:
- int
The space for generators inside of the level.
- generator_space_changed: SignalInstance#
- name_changed: SignalInstance#
- redo() tuple[str, str, int, int] #
Redoes the previously undone state.
- Returns:
- LevelDataState
The new state that has been stored.
- property state: tuple[str, str, int, int]#
Provides the current state of the instance.
- Returns:
- LevelDataState
A tuple of the name, description, generator size, and enemy size for the current instance’s level.
- state_changed: SignalInstance#
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("LevelInformationEditor" inherits "QWidget": Methods: #34 type=Signal, signature=name_changed(QString), parameters=QString #35 type=Signal, signature=description_changed(QString), parameters=QString #36 type=Signal, signature=generator_space_changed(int), parameters=int #37 type=Signal, signature=enemy_space_changed(int), parameters=int #38 type=Signal, signature=state_changed(PyObject), parameters=PyObject )#
- class LevelInformationEditorDisplay(parent: PySide6.QtWidgets.QWidget | None, name: str, description: str, generator_space: int, enemy_space: int)#
- property description: str#
Provides the description of the level.
- Returns:
- str
The description of the level.
- description_editor: QLineEdit#
- property enemy_space: int#
Provides the space for enemies inside of the level.
- Returns:
- int
The space for enemies inside of the level.
- enemy_space_editor: QSpinBox#
- property generator_space: int#
Provides the space for generators inside of the level.
- Returns:
- int
The space for generators inside of the level.
- generator_space_editor: QSpinBox#
- name_editor: QLineEdit#
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("LevelInformationEditorDisplay" inherits "QFormLayout": )#
foundry.gui.LevelSelector module#
- class LevelSelector(parent, file_settings: FileSettings, *, start_level: tuple[int, int] | None = None)#
- on_level_click()#
- on_ok(_=None)#
- on_world_click()#
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("LevelSelector" inherits "QDialog": )#
- class WorldMapLevelSelect(world_number: int)#
- accepted: SignalInstance#
- level_selected: SignalInstance#
- sizeHint(self) PySide6.QtCore.QSize #
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("WorldMapLevelSelect" inherits "QScrollArea": Methods: #37 type=Signal, signature=level_selected(QString,int,int,int), parameters=QString, int, int, int #38 type=Signal, signature=accepted() )#
- select_by_world_and_level(world: int, level: int, levels: list[]) Level #
Selects a level by its world and level index.
- Parameters:
- worldint
The world the level is inside.
- levelint
The index of the level inside the world.
- levelslist[Level]
The list of levels to search.
- Returns:
- Level
The level at the world and index.
foundry.gui.LevelSizeBar module#
- class LevelSizeBar(parent, label: str, current_value: int, maximum_value: int)#
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("LevelSizeBar" inherits "QWidget": )#
foundry.gui.LevelStartEditor module#
- class LevelStartDisplay(parent: PySide6.QtWidgets.QWidget | None, x_position: int, y_position: int, action: int)#
- action_editor: QComboBox#
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("LevelStartDisplay" inherits "QFormLayout": )#
- property x_position: int#
Provides the x position of this level.
- Returns:
- int
The x position of for this level.
- x_position_editor: QComboBox#
- property y_position: int#
Provides the y position of this level.
- Returns:
- int
The y position of for this level.
- y_position_editor: QComboBox#
- class LevelStartEditor(parent: PySide6.QtWidgets.QWidget | None, state: LevelStartState, undo_controller: Optional[UndoController[LevelStartState]] = None)#
- property action: int#
Provides the action the player starts at.
- Returns:
- int
The action the player starts at.
- action_changed: SignalInstance#
- property can_redo: bool#
Determines if there is any states inside the redo stack.
- Returns:
- bool
If there is an redo state available.
- property can_undo: bool#
Determines if there is any states inside the undo stack.
- Returns:
- bool
If there is an undo state available.
- do(new_state: LevelStartState) LevelStartState #
Does an action through the controller, adding it to the undo stack and clearing the redo stack, respectively.
- Parameters:
- new_stateLevelStartState
The new state to be stored.
- Returns:
- LevelStartState
The new state that has been stored.
- redo() LevelStartState #
Redoes the previously undone state.
- Returns:
- LevelStartState
The new state that has been stored.
- property state: LevelStartState#
Provides the current state of the instance.
- Returns:
- LevelStartState
A tuple of the x position, y position, and action for the current instance’s level.
- state_changed: SignalInstance#
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("LevelStartEditor" inherits "QWidget": Methods: #34 type=Signal, signature=x_position_changed(int), parameters=int #35 type=Signal, signature=y_position_changed(int), parameters=int #36 type=Signal, signature=action_changed(int), parameters=int #37 type=Signal, signature=state_changed(PyObject), parameters=PyObject )#
- undo() LevelStartState #
Undoes the last state, bring the previous.
- Returns:
- LevelStartState
The new state that has been stored.
- undo_controller: UndoController[LevelStartState]#
- property x_position: int#
Provides the x position the player starts at.
- Returns:
- int
The x position for the player starts at.
- x_position_changed: SignalInstance#
- property y_position: int#
Provides the y position the player starts at.
- Returns:
- int
The y position the player starts at.
- y_position_changed: SignalInstance#
- class LevelStartState(x_position: int, y_position: int, action: int)#
The representation of the start parameters for the player for a given level.
- x_position: int
The start position for the player.
- y_position: int
The start position for the player.
- action: int
The action the player starts the level doing.
foundry.gui.LevelView module#
- class LevelView(parent: PySide6.QtWidgets.QWidget | None, level: LevelRef, context_menu: ContextMenu, file_settings: FileSettings, user_settings: UserSettings)#
- add_jump()#
- get_object_names()#
- get_selected_objects() list[ |] #
- make_screenshot() QPixmap #
- object_at(point: Point) | | None #
Returns an object at the supplied point relative to the level view.
- Parameters:
- pointPoint
The point of the object to return.
- Returns:
- LevelObject | EnemyObject | None
The object, if one is found at the supplied point.
- object_created: SignalInstance#
- objects_selected: SignalInstance#
- paste_objects_at(objects: list[ |], origin: Point, point: foundry.core.geometry.Point | None = None)#
- remove_object(obj)#
- remove_selected_objects()#
- replace_enemy(old_enemy: EnemyObject, enemy_index: int)#
- scroll_to_objects(objects: list[])#
- select_all()#
- select_objects(objects)#
- selection_square: SelectionSquare#
- sizeHint(self) PySide6.QtCore.QSize #
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("LevelView" inherits "QWidget": Methods: #34 type=Signal, signature=objects_selected(PyObject), parameters=PyObject #35 type=Signal, signature=object_created(PyObject), parameters=PyObject )#
- update(self) None #
- update(self, arg__1: PySide6.QtCore.QRect) None
- update(self, arg__1: Union[PySide6.QtGui.QRegion, PySide6.QtGui.QBitmap, PySide6.QtGui.QPolygon, PySide6.QtCore.QRect]) None
- update(self, x: int, y: int, w: int, h: int) None
- user_settings: UserSettings#
- zoom_in()#
- zoom_out()#
- undoable(func)#
foundry.gui.LevelWarpEditor module#
- class LevelWarpDisplay(parent: PySide6.QtWidgets.QWidget | None, generator_pointer: int, enemy_pointer: int, tileset: int)#
- property enemy_pointer: int#
Provides the enemy pointer of the level that it will be warped to.
- Returns:
- int
The enemy pointer of the next level.
- property generator_pointer: int#
Provides the generator pointer of the level that it will be warped to.
- Returns:
- int
The generator pointer of the next level.
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("LevelWarpDisplay" inherits "QFormLayout": )#
- property tileset: int#
Provides the tileset of the level that it will be warped to.
- Returns:
- int
The tileset of the next level.
- tileset_editor: QComboBox#
- class LevelWarpEditor(parent: PySide6.QtWidgets.QWidget | None, state: LevelWarpState, undo_controller: Optional[UndoController[LevelWarpState]] = None, file_settings: foundry.gui.settings.FileSettings | None = None)#
- property can_redo: bool#
Determines if there is any states inside the redo stack.
- Returns:
- bool
If there is an redo state available.
- property can_undo: bool#
Determines if there is any states inside the undo stack.
- Returns:
- bool
If there is an undo state available.
- do(new_state: LevelWarpState) LevelWarpState #
Does an action through the controller, adding it to the undo stack and clearing the redo stack, respectively.
- Parameters:
- new_stateLevelWarpState
The new state to be stored.
- Returns:
- LevelWarpState
The new state that has been stored.
- property enemy_pointer: int#
Provides the enemy pointer of the level that it will be warped to.
- Returns:
- int
The enemy pointer of the next level.
- enemy_pointer_changed: SignalInstance#
- property generator_pointer: int#
Provides the generator pointer of the level that it will be warped to.
- Returns:
- int
The generator pointer of the next level.
- generator_pointer_changed: SignalInstance#
- redo() LevelWarpState #
Redoes the previously undone state.
- Returns:
- LevelWarpState
The new state that has been stored.
- property state: LevelWarpState#
Provides the current state of the instance.
- Returns:
- LevelWarpState
A tuple of the name, description, generator size, and enemy size for the current instance’s level.
- state_changed: SignalInstance#
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("LevelWarpEditor" inherits "QWidget": Methods: #34 type=Signal, signature=generator_pointer_changed(int), parameters=int #35 type=Signal, signature=enemy_pointer_changed(int), parameters=int #36 type=Signal, signature=tileset_changed(int), parameters=int #37 type=Signal, signature=state_changed(PyObject), parameters=PyObject )#
- property tileset: int#
Provides the tileset of the level that it will be warped to.
- Returns:
- int
The tileset of the next level.
- tileset_changed: SignalInstance#
- undo() LevelWarpState #
Undoes the last state, bring the previous.
- Returns:
- LevelWarpState
The new state that has been stored.
- undo_controller: UndoController[LevelWarpState]#
foundry.gui.MainWindow module#
- class MainWindow(path_to_rom='', world=None, level=None, user_settings: foundry.gui.settings.UserSettings | None = None, gui_loader: foundry.gui.settings.GUILoader | None = None)#
- on_about(_)#
- on_block_viewer(_)#
- on_check_for_update()#
- on_edit_autoscroll(_)#
- on_header_editor(_)#
- on_jump_edit()#
- on_object_viewer()#
- on_orb_options(_)#
Shows the Orb Options UI
- on_palette_viewer(_)#
- on_play()#
Copies the ROM, including the current level, to a temporary directory, saves the current level as level 1-1 and opens the rom in an emulator.
- on_player_lives(_)#
Shows the Player Lives UI
- on_player_viewer()#
- on_save_m3l(_)#
- on_save_rom(_)#
- on_save_rom_as(_)#
- open_level_selector(_)#
- reload_level()#
- save_rom(is_save_as)#
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("MainWindow" inherits "QMainWindow": )#
- update_title()#
foundry.gui.ObjectDropdown module#
- class ObjectDropdown(parent: QWidget)#
- object_selected: SignalInstance#
- select_object(level_object: ObjectLike)#
Called, when the current placeable object was selected from outside and we need to update the selection in the dropdown. This is not the selected object inside the level!
- Parameters:
level_object – The type of object, that was selected to be placeable in the level.
- set_tileset(tileset_index: int, graphic_set_index: int, bg_palette_index: int = 0, spr_palette_index: int = 0) None #
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("ObjectDropdown" inherits "QComboBox": Methods: #60 type=Signal, signature=object_selected(PyObject), parameters=PyObject )#
foundry.gui.ObjectIcon module#
- class ObjectButton(parent: PySide6.QtWidgets.QWidget | None, item: T, background_color: bool = False)#
- object_created: SignalInstance#
- selected: SignalInstance#
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("ObjectButton" inherits "ObjectIcon": Methods: #34 type=Signal, signature=selected() #35 type=Signal, signature=object_created() )#
- class ObjectIcon(parent: PySide6.QtWidgets.QWidget | None, item: T, background_color: bool = False)#
]- property item: T#
- sizeHint(self) PySide6.QtCore.QSize #
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("ObjectIcon" inherits "QWidget": )#
- class ObjectViewer(parent: PySide6.QtWidgets.QWidget | None, icon: foundry.gui.ObjectIcon.ObjectButton | None = None)#
- property icon: foundry.gui.ObjectIcon.ObjectButton | None#
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("ObjectViewer" inherits "QWidget": )#
- get_minimal_icon_object(level_object: T) T #
Returns the object with a length, so that every block is rendered. E. g. clouds with length 0, don’t have a face.
foundry.gui.ObjectList module#
- class ObjectList(parent: QWidget, level_ref: LevelRef, context_menu: ContextMenu)#
- on_right_down(event: QMouseEvent)#
- on_right_up(event)#
- on_selection_changed()#
- selected_objects()#
- sizeHint(self) PySide6.QtCore.QSize #
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("ObjectList" inherits "QListWidget": )#
- update_content()#
A new item has been selected, so select the new item.
foundry.gui.ObjectStatusBar module#
foundry.gui.ObjectToolBar module#
- class ObjectToolBar(parent=None)#
- add_recent_object(level_object: |
- selected: SignalInstance#
- set_tileset(tileset_index: int, graphic_set_index: int = -1, bg_palette_index: int = 0, spr_palette_index: int = 0)#
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("ObjectToolBar" inherits "QWidget": Methods: #34 type=Signal, signature=selected(PyObject), parameters=PyObject )#
foundry.gui.ObjectToolBox module#
- class ObjectToolBox(parent: PySide6.QtWidgets.QWidget | None = None)#
- add_object(level_object: |
- clear()#
- property draw_background_color#
- object_icon_clicked: SignalInstance#
- object_placed: SignalInstance#
- object_selected: SignalInstance#
- place_at_front(object: |
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("ObjectToolBox" inherits "QWidget": Methods: #34 type=Signal, signature=object_icon_clicked(QWidget*), parameters=QWidget* #35 type=Signal, signature=object_placed(QWidget*), parameters=QWidget* #36 type=Signal, signature=object_selected(int), parameters=int )#
foundry.gui.ObjectViewer module#
- class BlockArea(image: QImage, index: int)#
- sizeHint(self) PySide6.QtCore.QSize #
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("BlockArea" inherits "QWidget": )#
- class BlockArray(parent, level_object: LevelObject)#
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("BlockArray" inherits "QWidget": )#
- update_object(level_object: LevelObject)#
- class ObjectDrawArea(parent, tileset, graphic_set=1, palette_index=0)#
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("ObjectDrawArea" inherits "QWidget": )#
- update_object(object_data: bytearray | | | None = None)#
foundry.gui.PaletteEditorWidget module#
- class PaletteEditorWidget(parent: PySide6.QtWidgets.QWidget | None, palette: Palette)#
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("PaletteEditorWidget" inherits "PaletteWidget": )#
foundry.gui.PaletteGroupController module#
- class PaletteGroupController(parent: PySide6.QtWidgets.QWidget | None, tileset: int = 0, bg_offset: int = 0, spr_offset: int = 0, bg_palette_group: foundry.core.palette.PaletteGroup | None = None, spr_palette_group: foundry.core.palette.PaletteGroup | None = None)#
- on_palette_update()#
- palette_group_changed: SignalInstance#
- restore()#
- save(rom: | None = None)#
- silent_update()#
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("PaletteGroupController" inherits "QWidget": Methods: #34 type=Signal, signature=palette_group_changed(PyObject,PyObject), parameters=PyObject, PyObject )#
foundry.gui.PaletteGroupEditor module#
- class PaletteGroupEditor(parent: PySide6.QtWidgets.QWidget | None, palette_group: PaletteGroup)#
- property palette_group: PaletteGroup#
- palette_group_changed: SignalInstance#
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("PaletteGroupEditor" inherits "QWidget": Methods: #34 type=Signal, signature=palette_group_changed(PyObject), parameters=PyObject )#
foundry.gui.PaletteGroupModel module#
- class PaletteGroupModel(tileset: int, background_index: int, sprite_index: int, background_palette_group: PaletteGroup, sprite_palette_group: PaletteGroup, changed: bool = False, background_palette_group_backup: foundry.core.palette.PaletteGroup | None = None, sprite_palette_group_backup: foundry.core.palette.PaletteGroup | None = None)#
- background_palette_group: PaletteGroup#
- background_palette_group_backup: foundry.core.palette.PaletteGroup | None#
- restore()#
- save(rom: | None = None)#
- soft_save()#
- sprite_palette_group: PaletteGroup#
- sprite_palette_group_backup: foundry.core.palette.PaletteGroup | None#
foundry.gui.PaletteViewer module#
- class PaletteViewer(parent, level_ref: LevelRef)#
- palettes_per_row = 4#
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("PaletteViewer" inherits "CustomDialog": )#
foundry.gui.PaletteWidget module#
foundry.gui.PatternViewer module#
- class PatternViewerController(parent: PySide6.QtWidgets.QWidget | None, graphics_set: GraphicsSet, palette_group: PaletteGroup, palette_index: int)#
- destroyed: SignalInstance#
- property graphics_set: GraphicsSet#
- graphics_set_changed: SignalInstance#
- property palette_group: PaletteGroup#
- palette_group_changed: SignalInstance#
- palette_index_changed: SignalInstance#
- pattern_selected: SignalInstance#
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("PatternViewerController" inherits "CustomChildWindow": Methods: #40 type=Signal, signature=graphics_set_changed(PyObject), parameters=PyObject #41 type=Signal, signature=palette_group_changed(PyObject), parameters=PyObject #42 type=Signal, signature=palette_index_changed(int), parameters=int #43 type=Signal, signature=pattern_selected(int), parameters=int )#
- class PatternViewerModel(graphics_set: GraphicsSet, palette_group: PaletteGroup, palette_index: int)#
- graphics_set: GraphicsSet#
- palette_group: PaletteGroup#
- class PatternViewerView(parent: PySide6.QtWidgets.QWidget | None, graphics_set: GraphicsSet, palette_group: PaletteGroup, palette_index: int, zoom: int = 4)#
- PATTERNS = 256#
- pattern_selected: SignalInstance#
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("PatternViewerView" inherits "QWidget": Methods: #34 type=Signal, signature=pattern_selected(int), parameters=int )#
foundry.gui.PlayerFrameEditor module#
- class PlayerFrameEditorController(parent: PySide6.QtWidgets.QWidget | None, animation: PlayerAnimation, power_up_offsets: list[int], palette_group: PaletteGroup, is_mario: bool = True, title: str = 'Player Frame Editor', zoom: int = 2)#
- destroyed: SignalInstance#
- frames_changed: SignalInstance#
- offset_changed: SignalInstance#
- property palette_group: PaletteGroup#
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("PlayerFrameEditorController" inherits "CustomChildWindow": Methods: #40 type=Signal, signature=frames_changed(PyObject), parameters=PyObject #41 type=Signal, signature=offset_changed(int), parameters=int )#
- class PlayerFrameEditorModel(animation: PlayerAnimation, power_up_offsets: list[int], palette_group: PaletteGroup, is_mario: bool)#
- animation: PlayerAnimation#
- palette_group: PaletteGroup#
- class PlayerFrameEditorView(parent: PySide6.QtWidgets.QWidget | None, sprite_groups: list[foundry.core.drawable.SpriteGroup], zoom: int = 2)#
- clicked: SignalInstance#
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("PlayerFrameEditorView" inherits "QWidget": Methods: #34 type=Signal, signature=clicked(int,int), parameters=int, int )#
foundry.gui.PlayerViewer module#
- class PlayerViewerController(parent: PySide6.QtWidgets.QWidget | None, title: str = 'Player Viewer', is_mario: bool = True, power_up: int = 0, power_up_offsets: list[int] | None = None, palette_group: foundry.core.palette.PaletteGroup | None = None, animations: list[foundry.core.player_animations.PlayerAnimation.PlayerAnimation] | None = None)#
- destroyed: SignalInstance#
- is_mario_changed: SignalInstance#
- property palette_group: PaletteGroup#
- palette_group_changed: SignalInstance#
- power_up_changed: SignalInstance#
- power_up_offsets_changed: SignalInstance#
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("PlayerViewerController" inherits "CustomChildWindow": Methods: #40 type=Signal, signature=power_up_changed(int), parameters=int #41 type=Signal, signature=is_mario_changed(bool), parameters=bool #42 type=Signal, signature=palette_group_changed(PyObject), parameters=PyObject #43 type=Signal, signature=power_up_offsets_changed(PyObject), parameters=PyObject )#
- class PlayerViewerModel(is_mario: bool, power_up: int, power_up_offsets: list[int], palette_group: PaletteGroup, animations: list[foundry.core.player_animations.PlayerAnimation.PlayerAnimation])#
- classmethod from_bytes(is_mario: bool, power_up: int, power_up_offsets: bytes, palette_group: bytes, animations: bytes, page_offsets: bytes)#
- classmethod from_rom(is_mario: bool = True, power_up: int = 0, power_up_offsets: list[int] | None = None, palette_group: foundry.core.palette.PaletteGroup | None = None, animations: list[foundry.core.player_animations.PlayerAnimation.PlayerAnimation] | None = None)#
- palette_group: PaletteGroup#
- class PlayerViewerView(parent: PySide6.QtWidgets.QWidget | None, sprite_groups: list[foundry.core.drawable.SpriteGroup], zoom: int = 2)#
- clicked: SignalInstance#
- mouse_moved_over_widget: SignalInstance#
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("PlayerViewerView" inherits "QWidget": Methods: #34 type=Signal, signature=mouse_moved_over_widget(int,int,int,QString), parameters=int, int, int, QString #35 type=Signal, signature=clicked(int), parameters=int )#
foundry.gui.SelectionSquare module#
foundry.gui.SettingsDialog module#
- class SettingsDialog(parent=None, user_settings: foundry.gui.settings.UserSettings | None = None, gui_loader: foundry.gui.settings.GUILoader | None = None)#
- on_exit()#
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("SettingsDialog" inherits "CustomDialog": )#
- update(self) None #
- update(self, arg__1: PySide6.QtCore.QRect) None
- update(self, arg__1: Union[PySide6.QtGui.QRegion, PySide6.QtGui.QBitmap, PySide6.QtGui.QPolygon, PySide6.QtCore.QRect]) None
- update(self, x: int, y: int, w: int, h: int) None
- user_settings: UserSettings#
foundry.gui.Spinner module#
foundry.gui.SpinnerPanel module#
- class SpinnerPanel(parent: PySide6.QtWidgets.QWidget | None, level_ref: LevelRef)#
- clear_spinners()#
- disable_all()#
- get_domain()#
- get_type()#
- object_change: SignalInstance#
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("SpinnerPanel" inherits "QWidget": Methods: #34 type=Signal, signature=object_change(int), parameters=int #35 type=Signal, signature=zoom_in_triggered() #36 type=Signal, signature=zoom_out_triggered() )#
- update(self) None #
- update(self, arg__1: PySide6.QtCore.QRect) None
- update(self, arg__1: Union[PySide6.QtGui.QRegion, PySide6.QtGui.QBitmap, PySide6.QtGui.QPolygon, PySide6.QtCore.QRect]) None
- update(self, x: int, y: int, w: int, h: int) None
- zoom_in_triggered: SignalInstance#
- zoom_out_triggered: SignalInstance#
foundry.gui.SpriteViewer module#
- class SpriteViewerController(parent: PySide6.QtWidgets.QWidget | None, graphics_set: GraphicsSet, palette_group: PaletteGroup, palette_index: int)#
- destroyed: SignalInstance#
- property graphics_set: GraphicsSet#
- graphics_set_changed: SignalInstance#
- property palette_group: PaletteGroup#
- palette_group_changed: SignalInstance#
- palette_index_changed: SignalInstance#
- sprite_selected: SignalInstance#
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("SpriteViewerController" inherits "CustomChildWindow": Methods: #40 type=Signal, signature=graphics_set_changed(PyObject), parameters=PyObject #41 type=Signal, signature=palette_group_changed(PyObject), parameters=PyObject #42 type=Signal, signature=palette_index_changed(int), parameters=int #43 type=Signal, signature=sprite_selected(int), parameters=int )#
- class SpriteViewerModel(graphics_set: GraphicsSet, palette_group: PaletteGroup, palette_index: int)#
- graphics_set: GraphicsSet#
- palette_group: PaletteGroup#
- class SpriteViewerView(parent: PySide6.QtWidgets.QWidget | None, graphics_set: GraphicsSet, palette_group: PaletteGroup, palette_index: int, zoom: int = 4)#
- SPRITES = 32#
- mouse_moved: SignalInstance#
- sprite_selected: SignalInstance#
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("SpriteViewerView" inherits "QWidget": Methods: #34 type=Signal, signature=sprite_selected(int), parameters=int #35 type=Signal, signature=mouse_moved(int,int,int,QString), parameters=int, int, int, QString )#
foundry.gui.SpriteViewerWidget module#
- class SpriteViewerWidget(parent: PySide6.QtWidgets.QWidget | None, sprite_group: SpriteGroup, zoom: int = 2, transparent: bool = True)#
- clicked: SignalInstance#
- property graphics_set: GraphicsSet#
- graphics_set_changed: SignalInstance#
- mouse_moved_over_widget: SignalInstance#
- property palette_group: PaletteGroup#
- palette_group_changed: SignalInstance#
- sizeHint(self) PySide6.QtCore.QSize #
- sprites_changed: SignalInstance#
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("SpriteViewerWidget" inherits "QFrame": Methods: #34 type=Signal, signature=sprites_changed() #35 type=Signal, signature=graphics_set_changed(PyObject), parameters=PyObject #36 type=Signal, signature=palette_group_changed(PyObject), parameters=PyObject #37 type=Signal, signature=transparency_changed(bool), parameters=bool #38 type=Signal, signature=zoom_changed(int), parameters=int #39 type=Signal, signature=mouse_moved_over_widget(QMouseEvent*), parameters=QMouseEvent* #40 type=Signal, signature=clicked(int,int), parameters=int, int )#
- transparency_changed: SignalInstance#
- zoom_changed: SignalInstance#
foundry.gui.TabbedToolBox module#
- class TabbedToolBox(parent=None)#
- add_recent_object(level_object: |
- object_placed: SignalInstance#
- select_object(tab_index: int, object_index: int) | #
- selected: SignalInstance#
- selected_index: SignalInstance#
- set_tileset(tileset_index, graphic_set_index=-1, bg_palette_index: int = 0, spr_palette_index: int = 0)#
- show_enemy_item_tab()#
- show_level_object_tab()#
- show_recent_tab()#
- sizeHint(self) PySide6.QtCore.QSize #
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("TabbedToolBox" inherits "QTabWidget": Methods: #43 type=Signal, signature=selected(QWidget*), parameters=QWidget* #44 type=Signal, signature=selected_index(int,int), parameters=int, int #45 type=Signal, signature=object_placed(QWidget*), parameters=QWidget* )#
foundry.gui.Toolbar module#
- class Toolbar#
- add_action(text: str, *args: Callable[[], Any], icon: PySide6.QtGui.QIcon | None = None) QAction #
Adds a toolbar option with text that will call *args when selected.
- Parameters:
- textstr
The text that will be displayed next to the option to select.
- iconQIcon | None, optional
The icon that will be displayed next to the option, by default None will be displayed.
- Returns:
- QAction
The action associated with the toolbar option generated.
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("Toolbar" inherits "QToolBar": )#
- create_toolbar(parent: QMainWindow, name: str, widgets: list[PySide6.QtWidgets.QWidget] | None = None, area: PySide6.QtCore.Qt.ToolBarArea | None = None) QToolBar #
Creates a QToolbar with the default arguments for this repository.
Theses arguments include context menu policy, size policy, orientation, and floatable.
- Parameters:
- parentQMainWindow
The parent of the toolbar
- namestr
The name of the toolbar
- widgets: Optional[list[QWidget]]
The widgets to attach to the toolbar
- Returns:
- QToolBar
with the default arguments
foundry.gui.WarningList module#
- class WarningLabel(text: str, related_objects: list[])#
- hovered: SignalInstance#
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("WarningLabel" inherits "QLabel": Methods: #47 type=Signal, signature=hovered() )#
- class WarningList(parent, level_ref: LevelRef, level_view_ref: LevelView, object_list_ref: ObjectList)#
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("WarningList" inherits "QWidget": Methods: #34 type=Signal, signature=warnings_updated(bool), parameters=bool )#
- update(self) None #
- update(self, arg__1: PySide6.QtCore.QRect) None
- update(self, arg__1: Union[PySide6.QtGui.QRegion, PySide6.QtGui.QBitmap, PySide6.QtGui.QPolygon, PySide6.QtCore.QRect]) None
- update(self, x: int, y: int, w: int, h: int) None
- warnings_updated: SignalInstance#
foundry.gui.WorldMapView module#
foundry.gui.orb module#
Implements a UI to modify the player lives.
Supported editing various characteristics of the player lives such as the number of starting lives, the number of lives on continues, if a death lowers the life count, if a 1-up mushroom increases the life count, etc.
This UI uses a Redux pattern instead of MVC to increase the testability of the code. If you are if you want to try to reason about Redux in terms of MVC, then the Redux state is the model, the Redux reducer is the Controller, and obviously both still have a view.
- class Actions(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)#
All user actions that can be performed.
- MOVE_TIMER_TO_EXIT = '[Orb] MoveTimerToExit'#
- MOVE_TOUCH_TO_TIMER = '[Orb] MoveTouchToTimer'#
- TOUCH_GAME_TIMER_STOPS = '[Orb] TouchGameTimerStops'#
- class Orb(parent)#
Main entry point from main menu.
This creates the Store, the View, and the RomInterface.
- class RomInterface(rom: Rom)#
Handles all the read/write operations to the ROM.
This reads out the initial state of the ROM into a new State object. It can also take in a State object and write that into the ROM data.
- class State(move_touch_to_timer: bool | None, move_timer_to_exit: bool | None, touch_game_timer_stops: bool | None)#
Stores the current state of the UI
The initial state is read from the ROM. The final state is written to the ROM. The intermediate values are stored in this state object while the user is modifying them.
NOTE: Some of these values may be optional/None if the search for these code regions fails when reading to the ROM. Invalid values written to the state may also be rejected when trying to write the state to the ROM.
- class Store(state: S)#
]Concrete implementation of the ReduxStore for the PlayerLives UI
- class View(parent, store: Store, rom_interface: RomInterface)#
- WARNING_STYLE = 'QLabel { background-color : pink; }'#
- render()#
Updates the UI with the current state values.
This function is the subscriber to the store so that whenever there is a state change in the system, this render function is called automatically and the new state is rendered on screen.
- rom_interface: RomInterface#
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("View" inherits "CustomDialog": )#
foundry.gui.player_lives module#
Implements a UI to modify the player lives.
Supported editing various characteristics of the player lives such as the number of starting lives, the number of lives on continues, if a death lowers the life count, if a 1-up mushroom increases the life count, etc.
This UI uses a Redux pattern instead of MVC to increase the testability of the code. If you are if you want to try to reason about Redux in terms of MVC, then the Redux state is the model, the Redux reducer is the Controller, and obviously both still have a view.
- class ActionNames(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)#
All user actions that can be performed.
- CARD_GAME_1UP = '[PlayerLives] CardGame'#
- CONTINUE_LIVES = '[PlayerLives] ContinueLives'#
- DEATH_TAKES_LIVES = '[PlayerLives] DeathTakesLives'#
- DICE_GAME_1UP = '[PlayerLives] DiceGame'#
- END_CARD_1UP = '[PlayerLives] EndCard'#
- HUNDRED_COINS_1UP = '[PlayerLives] 100Coins'#
- LOAD = '[PlayerLives] Load'#
- MUSHROOM_1UP = '[PlayerLives] Mushroom'#
- ROULETTE_1UP = '[PlayerLives] Roulette'#
- STARTING_LIVES = '[PlayerLives] StartingLives'#
- class PlayerLives(parent)#
Main entry point from main menu.
This creates the Store, the View, and the RomInterface.
- class RomInterface(rom: Rom)#
Handles all the read/write operations to the ROM.
This reads out the initial state of the ROM into a new State object. It can also take in a State object and write that into the ROM data.
- class State(starting_lives: int, continue_lives: int, death_takes_lives: bool, hundred_coins_1up: bool, end_card_1up: bool, mushroom_1up: bool, dice_game_1up: bool, roulette_1up: bool, card_game_1up: bool)#
Stores the current state of the UI
The initial state is read from the ROM. The final state is written to the ROM. The intermediate values are stored in this state object while the user is modifying them.
NOTE: Some of these values may be optional/None if the search for these code regions fails when reading to the ROM. Invalid values written to the state may also be rejected when trying to write the state to the ROM.
- class Store(state: S)#
]Concrete implementation of the ReduxStore for the PlayerLives UI
- class View(parent, store: Store, rom_interface: RomInterface)#
- WARNING_STYLE = 'QLabel { background-color : pink; }'#
- render()#
Updates the UI with the current state values.
This function is the subscriber to the store so that whenever there is a state change in the system, this render function is called automatically and the new state is rendered on screen.
- rom_interface: RomInterface#
- staticMetaObject = PySide6.QtCore.QMetaObject("View" inherits "CustomDialog": )#
foundry.gui.settings module#
- class FileSettings(levels: list[] = NOTHING)#
Settings dedicated to a specific file.
- Attributes:
- levels: list[Level]
The list of all levels contained inside the file.
- levels: list[]#
- pydantic model GUILoader#
Show JSON schema
{ "title": "GUILoader", "type": "object", "properties": { "style": { "title": "Style", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": { "type": "string" } } }, "required": [ "style" ] }
- Config:
use_enum_values: bool = True
- Fields:
- field style: dict[foundry.gui.settings.GUIStyle, str] [Required]#
- class GUIStyle(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)#
A declaration of the possible GUI Styles offered by Foundry.
- pydantic model PydanticFileSettings#
Show JSON schema
{ "title": "PydanticFileSettings", "type": "object", "properties": { "levels": { "title": "Levels", "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/PydanticLevel" } } }, "required": [ "levels" ], "definitions": { "PydanticLocation": { "title": "PydanticLocation", "description": "A representation of a location of a level.\n\nworld: int\n The world the level is located inside.\nindex: int\n The index the level is inside the world.", "type": "object", "properties": { "world": { "title": "World", "type": "integer" }, "index": { "title": "Index", "type": "integer" } }, "required": [ "world", "index" ] }, "PydanticDisplayInformation": { "title": "PydanticDisplayInformation", "description": "The display information to nicely sort levels.\n\nAttributes\n----------\nname: Optional[str]\n The name of the level.\ndescription: Optional[str]\n The description of the level.\nlocations: list[PydanticLocation]\n The locations that the level is inside.", "type": "object", "properties": { "name": { "title": "Name", "type": "string" }, "description": { "title": "Description", "type": "string" }, "locations": { "title": "Locations", "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/PydanticLocation" } } }, "required": [ "locations" ] }, "PydanticLevel": { "title": "PydanticLevel", "description": "The representation of a level inside the game.\n\nAttributes\n----------\ndisplay_information: PydanticDisplayInformation\n Useful information regarding the level to make it human usable.\ngenerator_pointer: int\n The location this level's generators are located at.\nenemy_pointer: int\n The location this level's enemies are located at.\ntileset: int\n The tileset of the this level.\ngenerator_size: int\n The amount of space the generator data takes inside the game.\nenemy_size: int\n The amount of space the enemy data takes inside the game.", "type": "object", "properties": { "display_information": { "$ref": "#/definitions/PydanticDisplayInformation" }, "generator_pointer": { "title": "Generator Pointer", "type": "integer" }, "enemy_pointer": { "title": "Enemy Pointer", "type": "integer" }, "tileset": { "title": "Tileset", "type": "integer" }, "generator_size": { "title": "Generator Size", "type": "integer" }, "enemy_size": { "title": "Enemy Size", "type": "integer" } }, "required": [ "display_information", "generator_pointer", "enemy_pointer", "tileset", "generator_size", "enemy_size" ] } } }
- field levels: list[] [Required]#
- pydantic model PydanticUserSettings#
Show JSON schema
{ "title": "PydanticUserSettings", "type": "object", "properties": { "gui_style": { "default": "LIGHT BLUE", "allOf": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/GUIStyle" } ] }, "instaplay_emulator": { "title": "Instaplay Emulator", "default": "fceux", "type": "string" }, "instaplay_arguments": { "title": "Instaplay Arguments", "default": "%f", "type": "string" }, "default_powerup": { "title": "Default Powerup", "default": 0, "type": "integer" }, "default_power_has_star": { "title": "Default Power Has Star", "default": false, "type": "boolean" }, "default_starting_world": { "title": "Default Starting World", "default": 0, "type": "integer" }, "resize_mode": { "default": "LMB", "allOf": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/ResizeModes" } ] }, "draw_mario": { "title": "Draw Mario", "default": true, "type": "boolean" }, "draw_jumps": { "title": "Draw Jumps", "default": false, "type": "boolean" }, "draw_grid": { "title": "Draw Grid", "default": false, "type": "boolean" }, "draw_expansion": { "title": "Draw Expansion", "default": false, "type": "boolean" }, "draw_jump_on_objects": { "title": "Draw Jump On Objects", "default": true, "type": "boolean" }, "draw_items_in_blocks": { "title": "Draw Items In Blocks", "default": true, "type": "boolean" }, "draw_invisible_items": { "title": "Draw Invisible Items", "default": true, "type": "boolean" }, "draw_autoscroll": { "title": "Draw Autoscroll", "default": false, "type": "boolean" }, "block_transparency": { "title": "Block Transparency", "default": true, "type": "boolean" }, "object_scroll_enabled": { "title": "Object Scroll Enabled", "default": false, "type": "boolean" }, "object_tooltip_enabled": { "title": "Object Tooltip Enabled", "default": true, "type": "boolean" } }, "definitions": { "GUIStyle": { "title": "GUIStyle", "description": "\n A declaration of the possible GUI Styles offered by Foundry.\n ", "enum": [ "DARK AMBER", "DARK BLUE", "DARK CYAN", "DARK GREEN", "DARK PINK", "DARK PURPLE", "DARK RED", "DARK TEAL", "DARK YELLOW", "LIGHT AMBER", "LIGHT BLUE", "LIGHT CYAN", "LIGHT GREEN", "LIGHT PINK", "LIGHT PURPLE", "LIGHT RED", "LIGHT TEAL", "LIGHT YELLOW" ], "type": "string" }, "ResizeModes": { "title": "ResizeModes", "description": "\n A declaration of the possible resize modes accepted by the editor.\n ", "enum": [ "LMB", "RMB" ], "type": "string" } } }
- Config:
use_enum_values: bool = True
- Fields:
- field resize_mode: ResizeModes = ResizeModes.RESIZE_LEFT_CLICK#
- to_user_settings() UserSettings #
Generates a user setting.
- Returns:
- UserSettings
The representation of this instance as a user setting.
- class ResizeModes(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)#
A declaration of the possible resize modes accepted by the editor.
- class UserSettings(gui_style: GUIStyle = GUIStyle.LIGHT_BLUE, instaplay_emulator: str = 'fceux', instaplay_arguments: str = '%f', default_powerup: int = 0, default_power_has_star: bool = False, default_starting_world: int = 0, resize_mode: ResizeModes = ResizeModes.RESIZE_LEFT_CLICK, draw_mario: bool = True, draw_jumps: bool = False, draw_grid: bool = False, draw_expansion: bool = False, draw_jump_on_objects: bool = True, draw_items_in_blocks: bool = True, draw_invisible_items: bool = True, draw_autoscroll: bool = False, block_transparency: bool = True, object_scroll_enabled: bool = False, object_tooltip_enabled: bool = True)#
The settings for the user for Foundry.
- Attributes:
- gui_style: GUIStyle
The style used for the GUI.
- instaplay_emulator: str
The path to the emulator.
- instaplay_arguments: str
Any additional arguments passed to the emulator.
- default_powerup: int
The default powerup to start the player with for testing.
- default_power_has_star: bool
If the player will start with a star for testing.
- default_starting_world: int
Which world the player will start in for testing.
- resize_mode: ResizeModes
Determines how generators can be expanded.
- draw_mario: bool
Draws the start location of Mario.
- draw_jumps: bool
Draws the warp indexes of the level.
- draw_grid: bool
Draws a grid for the level.
- draw_expansion: bool
Draws the ways generators can expand.
- draw_jump_on_objects: bool
Draws if an generator will warp the player.
- draw_items_in_blocks: bool
Draw any items located inside a generator.
- draw_invisible_items: bool
Draw invisible items.
- draw_autoscroll: bool
Draws autoscroll routes.
- block_transparency: bool
Causes generators to be drawn with transparency.
- object_scroll_enabled: bool
Enables the editing of generators through the use of the scroll wheel.
- object_tooltip_enabled: bool
Enables tooltips for generators.
- resize_mode: ResizeModes#
- load_file_settings(file_id: str) FileSettings #
Attempts to load the file settings for a given file. If none exists, then the default file settings will be utilized instead.
- Parameters:
- file_idstr
The file name for the file settings.
- Returns:
- FileSettings
The file settings that best match the provided file.
- load_gui_loader() GUILoader #
Generates mappings to load the possible GUI styles.
- Returns:
- GUILoader
The loader for the GUI styles.
- load_settings(file_path: Path = PosixPath('/home/runner/.smb3foundry/settings')) UserSettings #
Provides the user settings.
- Returns:
- UserSettings
The current user settings.
- save_file_settings(file_id: str, file_settings: FileSettings)#
Saves file settings to a file.
- Parameters:
- file_idstr
The file to save the settings for.
- file_settingsFileSettings
The settings to save.
- save_settings(user_settings: UserSettings)#
Saves the user settings to a file.
- Parameters:
- user_settingsUserSettings
The user settings to save.
- set_style(theme)#
- to_pydantic_file_settings(file_settings: FileSettings) PydanticFileSettings #
Converts file settings to its pydantic equivelant.
- Parameters:
- file_settingsFileSettings
The file settings to convert.
- Returns:
- PydanticFileSettings
The pydantic equivelant of the file settings provided.
- user_setting_to_json(user_setting: UserSettings, path: str)#
foundry.gui.util module#
- pydantic model BoxLayout#
A layout which the widgets are laid in a linear fashion in a single direction.
- Attributes:
- widgets: list[WidgetCreator]
A list of widgets that are inside the layout, which will start from the origin to the layout’s ending point.
Show JSON schema
{ "title": "BoxLayout", "description": "A layout which the widgets are laid in a linear fashion in a single direction.\n\nAttributes\n----------\nwidgets: list[WidgetCreator]\n A list of widgets that are inside the layout, which will start from the origin to the\n layout's ending point.", "type": "object", "properties": { "type": { "$ref": "#/definitions/LayoutType" }, "widgets": { "title": "Widgets", "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/WidgetCreator" } } }, "required": [ "type", "widgets" ], "definitions": { "LayoutType": { "title": "LayoutType", "description": "\n A declaration of the layouts possible to be created through\n `JSON <>`_ and\n `Pydantic <>`_.\n ", "enum": [ "HORIZONTAL", "VERTICLE", "FORM" ], "type": "string" }, "WidgetCreator": { "title": "WidgetCreator", "description": "A generator for a :class:`~foundry.gui.util.Widget`. Creates the widget dynamically from\nits type attribute to provide it additional information required to be a subclass of\nwidget.\n\nFor example a widget of type button will become a button, instead of a plain widget.", "type": "object", "properties": {} } } }
- Config:
use_enum_values: bool = True
- Fields:
- field widgets: list[foundry.gui.util.WidgetCreator] [Required]#
- get_widgets() list[foundry.gui.util.Widget] #
A helper function to get the list of widgets with the correct typing hint.
- Returns:
- list[Widget]
The list of widgets as defined in self.widgets.
- pydantic model Button#
A button representation of
.- Attributes:
- name: str
The text that appears on the button.
- action: Optional[str]
The name of the callable that will be acted upon when clicked.
Show JSON schema
{ "title": "Button", "description": "A button representation of :class:`PySide6.QtWidgets.QPushButton`.\n\nAttributes\n----------\nname: str\n The text that appears on the button.\naction: Optional[str]\n The name of the callable that will be acted upon when clicked.", "type": "object", "properties": { "type": { "$ref": "#/definitions/WidgetType" }, "parent_attribute_name": { "title": "Parent Attribute Name", "type": "string" }, "what_is_this": { "$ref": "#/definitions/WhatIsThis" }, "name": { "title": "Name", "type": "string" }, "action": { "title": "Action", "type": "string" } }, "required": [ "type" ], "definitions": { "WidgetType": { "title": "WidgetType", "description": "\n A declaration of the widgets possible to be created through\n `JSON <>`_ and\n `Pydantic <>`_.\n ", "enum": [ "BUTTON", "SPINNER" ], "type": "string" }, "WhatIsThis": { "title": "WhatIsThis", "description": "A generic representation of the what's this description. This enables a multi-line\ndescription to easily transfer from JSON and similar formats.\n\nAttributes\n----------\nelements: list[str]\n A list of strings that represent each line of the description.", "type": "object", "properties": { "elements": { "title": "Elements", "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" } } }, "required": [ "elements" ] } } }
- Config:
use_enum_values: bool = True
- Fields:
- pydantic model Form#
A layout which sets a series of widgets adjacent to their respective labels.
- Attributes:
- label: str
The description of the following widget to its side.
- widget: WidgetCreator
The widget that is displayed in the given form.
Show JSON schema
{ "title": "Form", "description": "A layout which sets a series of widgets adjacent to their respective labels.\n\nAttributes\n----------\nlabel: str\n The description of the following widget to its side.\nwidget: WidgetCreator\n The widget that is displayed in the given form.", "type": "object", "properties": { "label": { "title": "Label", "type": "string" }, "widget": { "$ref": "#/definitions/WidgetCreator" } }, "required": [ "label", "widget" ], "definitions": { "WidgetCreator": { "title": "WidgetCreator", "description": "A generator for a :class:`~foundry.gui.util.Widget`. Creates the widget dynamically from\nits type attribute to provide it additional information required to be a subclass of\nwidget.\n\nFor example a widget of type button will become a button, instead of a plain widget.", "type": "object", "properties": {} } } }
- field widget: WidgetCreator [Required]#
- pydantic model FormLayout#
A layout which widgets are adjacent to their respective labels.
- Attributes:
- forms: list[Form]
The respective forms that compose the layout with their respective widgets and labels.
Show JSON schema
{ "title": "FormLayout", "description": "A layout which widgets are adjacent to their respective labels.\n\nAttributes\n----------\nforms: list[Form]\n The respective forms that compose the layout with their respective widgets and labels.", "type": "object", "properties": { "type": { "$ref": "#/definitions/LayoutType" }, "forms": { "title": "Forms", "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/Form" } } }, "required": [ "type", "forms" ], "definitions": { "LayoutType": { "title": "LayoutType", "description": "\n A declaration of the layouts possible to be created through\n `JSON <>`_ and\n `Pydantic <>`_.\n ", "enum": [ "HORIZONTAL", "VERTICLE", "FORM" ], "type": "string" }, "WidgetCreator": { "title": "WidgetCreator", "description": "A generator for a :class:`~foundry.gui.util.Widget`. Creates the widget dynamically from\nits type attribute to provide it additional information required to be a subclass of\nwidget.\n\nFor example a widget of type button will become a button, instead of a plain widget.", "type": "object", "properties": {} }, "Form": { "title": "Form", "description": "A layout which sets a series of widgets adjacent to their respective labels.\n\nAttributes\n----------\nlabel: str\n The description of the following widget to its side.\nwidget: WidgetCreator\n The widget that is displayed in the given form.", "type": "object", "properties": { "label": { "title": "Label", "type": "string" }, "widget": { "$ref": "#/definitions/WidgetCreator" } }, "required": [ "label", "widget" ] } } }
- Config:
use_enum_values: bool = True
- Fields:
- field forms: list[foundry.gui.util.Form] [Required]#
- pydantic model Layout#
A helper class to allow for easier use of
as it does not provide type hints.- Attributes:
- layout: LayoutCreator
The layout creator, which generates the layout automatically in accordance to layout creator.
Show JSON schema
{ "title": "Layout", "description": "A helper class to allow for easier use of :class:`~foundry.gui.util.LayoutCreator` as\nit does not provide type hints.\n\nAttributes\n----------\nlayout: LayoutCreator\n The layout creator, which generates the layout automatically in accordance to layout\n creator.", "type": "object", "properties": { "layout": { "$ref": "#/definitions/LayoutCreator" } }, "required": [ "layout" ], "definitions": { "LayoutCreator": { "title": "LayoutCreator", "description": "A generator for a :class:`~foundry.gui.util.LayoutMeta`. Creates the layout dynamically\nfrom its type attribute to provide it additional information required to be a subclass of\nlayout.\n\nFor example a layout of type horizontal will become a box layout, instead of a plain layout.", "type": "object", "properties": {} } } }
- field layout: LayoutCreator [Required]#
- get_layout() LayoutMeta #
A helper method that provides correct typing hints for layout.
- Returns:
- LayoutMeta
The LayoutMeta as described in self.layout.
- pydantic model LayoutCreator#
A generator for a
. Creates the layout dynamically from its type attribute to provide it additional information required to be a subclass of layout.For example a layout of type horizontal will become a box layout, instead of a plain layout.
Show JSON schema
{ "title": "LayoutCreator", "description": "A generator for a :class:`~foundry.gui.util.LayoutMeta`. Creates the layout dynamically\nfrom its type attribute to provide it additional information required to be a subclass of\nlayout.\n\nFor example a layout of type horizontal will become a box layout, instead of a plain layout.", "type": "object", "properties": {} }
- classmethod generate_layout(v: dict) LayoutMeta #
The constructor for each specific layout.
- Parameters:
- vdict
The dictionary to create the layout.
- Returns:
- LayoutMeta
The created layout as defined by v[“type”]
- Raises:
- NotImplementedError
If the constructor does not have a valid constructor for v[“type”].
- classmethod validate(v)#
Validates that the provided object is a valid LayoutMeta.
- Parameters:
- vdict
The dictionary to create the layout.
- Returns:
- Widget
If validated, a layout will be created in accordance to generate_layout.
- Raises:
- TypeError
If a dictionary is not provided.
- TypeError
If the dictionary does not contain the key “type”.
- TypeError
If the type provided is not inside
- pydantic model LayoutMeta#
A generic representation of
.- Attributes:
- type: LayoutType
The type of layout this layout represents. This determines how constructors will treat the layout, often providing it additional parameters.
Show JSON schema
{ "title": "LayoutMeta", "description": "A generic representation of :class:`~PySide6.QtWidgets.QLayout`.\n\nAttributes\n----------\ntype: LayoutType\n The type of layout this layout represents. This determines how constructors\n will treat the layout, often providing it additional parameters.", "type": "object", "properties": { "type": { "$ref": "#/definitions/LayoutType" } }, "required": [ "type" ], "definitions": { "LayoutType": { "title": "LayoutType", "description": "\n A declaration of the layouts possible to be created through\n `JSON <>`_ and\n `Pydantic <>`_.\n ", "enum": [ "HORIZONTAL", "VERTICLE", "FORM" ], "type": "string" } } }
- Config:
use_enum_values: bool = True
- Fields:
- field type: LayoutType [Required]#
- class LayoutType(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)#
A declaration of the layouts possible to be created through JSON and Pydantic.
- form = 'FORM'#
- classmethod has_value(value)#
A convenience method to quickly determine if a value is a valid enumeration.
- Parameters:
- valuestr
The value to check against the enumeration.
- Returns:
- bool
If the value is inside the enumeration.
- horizontal = 'HORIZONTAL'#
- verticle = 'VERTICLE'#
- pydantic model Spinner#
A spinner representation of
.- Attributes:
- enabled: bool
Decides if the spinner will be activated on start.
- minimum: Optional[int]
Will provide a lower bound that will be applied to the spinner, if present.
- maximum: Optional[int]
Will provide an upper bound that will be applied to the spinner, if present.
- hexadecimal: bool
Decides if the spinner should use hex as its base.
- value_change_action: Optional[str]
The name of the callable that will be acted upon when the value changes.
Show JSON schema
{ "title": "Spinner", "description": "A spinner representation of :class:`PySide6.QtWidgets.QSpinBox`.\n\n\nAttributes\n----------\nenabled: bool\n Decides if the spinner will be activated on start.\nminimum: Optional[int]\n Will provide a lower bound that will be applied to the spinner, if present.\nmaximum: Optional[int]\n Will provide an upper bound that will be applied to the spinner, if present.\nhexadecimal: bool\n Decides if the spinner should use hex as its base.\nvalue_change_action: Optional[str]\n The name of the callable that will be acted upon when the value changes.", "type": "object", "properties": { "type": { "$ref": "#/definitions/WidgetType" }, "parent_attribute_name": { "title": "Parent Attribute Name", "type": "string" }, "what_is_this": { "$ref": "#/definitions/WhatIsThis" }, "enabled": { "title": "Enabled", "default_factor": "default=True extra={}", "type": "boolean" }, "minimum": { "title": "Minimum", "type": "integer" }, "maximum": { "title": "Maximum", "type": "integer" }, "hexadecimal": { "title": "Hexadecimal", "default_factor": "default=False extra={}", "type": "boolean" }, "value_change_action": { "title": "Value Change Action", "type": "string" } }, "required": [ "type", "enabled", "hexadecimal" ], "definitions": { "WidgetType": { "title": "WidgetType", "description": "\n A declaration of the widgets possible to be created through\n `JSON <>`_ and\n `Pydantic <>`_.\n ", "enum": [ "BUTTON", "SPINNER" ], "type": "string" }, "WhatIsThis": { "title": "WhatIsThis", "description": "A generic representation of the what's this description. This enables a multi-line\ndescription to easily transfer from JSON and similar formats.\n\nAttributes\n----------\nelements: list[str]\n A list of strings that represent each line of the description.", "type": "object", "properties": { "elements": { "title": "Elements", "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" } } }, "required": [ "elements" ] } } }
- Config:
use_enum_values: bool = True
- Fields:
- pydantic model WhatIsThis#
A generic representation of the what’s this description. This enables a multi-line description to easily transfer from JSON and similar formats.
- Attributes:
- elements: list[str]
A list of strings that represent each line of the description.
Show JSON schema
{ "title": "WhatIsThis", "description": "A generic representation of the what's this description. This enables a multi-line\ndescription to easily transfer from JSON and similar formats.\n\nAttributes\n----------\nelements: list[str]\n A list of strings that represent each line of the description.", "type": "object", "properties": { "elements": { "title": "Elements", "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" } } }, "required": [ "elements" ] }
- Fields:
- pydantic model Widget#
A generic representation of
.- Attributes:
- type: WidgetType
The type of widget this widget represents. This determines how constructors will treat the widget, often providing it additional parameters.
- parent_attribute_name: Optional[str]
If provided, will be used to set this widget to its parent’s name.
- what_is_this: Optional[WhatIsThis]
The type hint for the given widget, if provided.
Show JSON schema
{ "title": "Widget", "description": "A generic representation of :class:`~PySide6.QtWidgets.QWidget`.\n\nAttributes\n----------\ntype: WidgetType\n The type of widget this widget represents. This determines how constructors\n will treat the widget, often providing it additional parameters.\nparent_attribute_name: Optional[str]\n If provided, will be used to set this widget to its parent's name.\nwhat_is_this: Optional[WhatIsThis]\n The type hint for the given widget, if provided.", "type": "object", "properties": { "type": { "$ref": "#/definitions/WidgetType" }, "parent_attribute_name": { "title": "Parent Attribute Name", "type": "string" }, "what_is_this": { "$ref": "#/definitions/WhatIsThis" } }, "required": [ "type" ], "definitions": { "WidgetType": { "title": "WidgetType", "description": "\n A declaration of the widgets possible to be created through\n `JSON <>`_ and\n `Pydantic <>`_.\n ", "enum": [ "BUTTON", "SPINNER" ], "type": "string" }, "WhatIsThis": { "title": "WhatIsThis", "description": "A generic representation of the what's this description. This enables a multi-line\ndescription to easily transfer from JSON and similar formats.\n\nAttributes\n----------\nelements: list[str]\n A list of strings that represent each line of the description.", "type": "object", "properties": { "elements": { "title": "Elements", "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" } } }, "required": [ "elements" ] } } }
- Config:
use_enum_values: bool = True
- Fields:
- field type: WidgetType [Required]#
- field what_is_this: foundry.gui.util.WhatIsThis | None = None#
- pydantic model WidgetCreator#
A generator for a
. Creates the widget dynamically from its type attribute to provide it additional information required to be a subclass of widget.For example a widget of type button will become a button, instead of a plain widget.
Show JSON schema
{ "title": "WidgetCreator", "description": "A generator for a :class:`~foundry.gui.util.Widget`. Creates the widget dynamically from\nits type attribute to provide it additional information required to be a subclass of\nwidget.\n\nFor example a widget of type button will become a button, instead of a plain widget.", "type": "object", "properties": {} }
- classmethod generate_widget(v: dict) Widget #
The constructor for each specific widget.
- Parameters:
- vdict
The dictionary to create the widget.
- Returns:
- Widget
The created widget as defined by v[“type”].
- Raises:
- NotImplementedError
If the constructor does not have a valid constructor for v[“type”].
- classmethod validate(v: dict) Widget #
Validates that the provided object is a valid Widget.
- Parameters:
- vdict
The dictionary to create the widget.
- Returns:
- Widget
If validated, a widget will be created in accordance to generate_widget.
- Raises:
- TypeError
If a dictionary is not provided.
- TypeError
If the dictionary does not contain the key “type”.
- TypeError
If the type provided is not inside
- class WidgetType(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)#
A declaration of the widgets possible to be created through JSON and Pydantic.
- button = 'BUTTON'#
- classmethod has_value(value: str) bool #
A convenience method to quickly determine if a value is a valid enumeration.
- Parameters:
- valuestr
The value to check against the enumeration.
- Returns:
- bool
If the value is inside the enumeration.
- spinner = 'SPINNER'#
- clear_layout(layout)#
- create_widget(parent: QWidget, meta: Widget) QWidget #
Creates a widget from a
, providing its actual implementation.- Parameters:
- parentQWidget
The widget which houses the widget’s actions.
- metaWidget
The instance that holds the widget’s attributes.
- Returns:
- QWidget
The created instance of a QWidget in accordance to meta.
- Raises:
- NotImplementedError
If the constructor does not implement a valid implementation for a given meta.type.
- ease_color(color1: QColor, color2: QColor, amount: float) QColor #
Eases between two colors, providing a combination of the two.
- Parameters:
- color1QColor
The color which will be displayed with respect to amount.
- color2QColor
The color which will be displayed with respect to 1 - amount.
- amountfloat
The amount as a decimal, where 1 represents everything and 0 represents nothing, that color1 will be shown and color2 will not.
- Returns:
- QColor
The intermediary color from color1 and color2.
- setup_description(parent: QWidget, flags: dict)#
Generates any descriptions for a widget. Most commonly the what’s this field.
- Parameters:
- parentQWidget
The widget to apply the description to.
- flagsdict
The dict that describes the description.
- setup_layout(parent: QWidget, flags: dict) QLayout #
Creates a layout from a series of flags and a parent. The layout will pass any events automatically to the parent and will work identically to one created through code.
- Parameters:
- parentQWidget
The parent of the layout. Typically the layout becomes the main layout of the parent.
- flagsdict
The dict that described the layout.
- Returns:
- QLayout
The instance of the well formed layout.
- Raises:
- NotImplementedError
If the provided meta.type is not implemened.
- setup_window(widget: QMainWindow, flags, user_settings: UserSettings)#